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Kiel, Germany

Belgrade, Serbia


Budapest, Hungary

Phnom Penh, Cambodia

procurement, acquisition, & field services

Finland: Helsinki & Oulu

Germany: Düsseldorf, Friedrichshafen, & Dresden

safety engineering & safety training

Italy: Bolzano, Verona, Ferrara, Ravenna, Trieste,

Otranto, Agrigento


Venice-Tessera, Italy

satcom / WhatsApp / maritime

+39 389 211 2232

send a whatsapp message and our

staff will contact you as soon as possible


Glasgow, Scotland, UK

Southampton, England, UK

Ljubljana, Slovenia

Bratislava, Slovakia

Antalya, Türkiye

Kazan, Russia

Atyrau, Kazakhstan

Chennai, India

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Hong Kong, China

Paramaribo, Suriname


Destin, FL, USA

Sault Ste.Marie, ON, Canada

Established in the U.S. in 1995 by Gian-Marco Cabibbe as a boutique aerospace, defense, & security systems engineering firm, today CABIBBE is a world-renowned specialist in Integrated Air-Land-Sea Cross-Domain, Multi-Hazard, Human-Centric Protection Engineering, an interdisciplinary field that seeks to preempt, counteract, mitigate, and, where possible, prevent natural or man-made catastrophic events in complex, contested, non-permissive, and very high-risk domains, by integrating the best practices in societal safety, homeland security, emergency management, national defense, civil protection, environmental protection, scientific research, technological innovation, architecture, and human factors.

We call ourselves a lighthouse for our unwavering commitment to provide guidance for the protection of human life, and for our dedication to some fundamental values: safety & security, hope & resilience, strength & steadfastness, innovation & ingenuity, and of course the overcoming of challenges & eternal vigilance.

We are always at the Left-Of-Bang !

"space called, I answered .. and space is what I am"

Gian-Marco Cabibbe ( Джан-Марко Кабиббе · 吉安-馬可·卡比貝 ) is a spaceflight-trained planetary scientist, a special ops advisor, a former fixed & rotary-wing aircraft research pilot, a bush pilot & flight instructor, a mission readiness specialist, a trained frogman & MFF parachutist, a TCCC-trained wilderness first responder, a personal safety influencer, and a thought leader in cross-domain, multi-hazard, human-centric protection engineering.

Born in Milan, Italy in 1969 to a family of Milanese, Istrian, Jewish, and Chinese descent, but a Florida cracker at heart, Gian-Marco is a polymath with an eclectic range of interests including security science, prepping & survival, cognitive security, systems thinking, space colonization, geopolitics, history, and art, besides being a cross-country rallying enthusiast, a firearm safety & gun rights advocate, a conscientious hunter, and a skilled homesteader.

A Gian-Marco is currently pursuing his research interests in space technology applied to the maritime sector in parallel to his activities as member of the board of several ventures worldwide, mainly involved with human planetary exploration, medical technology, aviation safety, energy generation, societal resilience, STEM education, homeland security, and government services.

The Right Stuff for the Protection of Mankind on Earth & in Space

The logo: the logo depicts the first character of the Chinese word for "outer space" (太空), thus underlying Gian-Marco´s heritage in the space sector as well as part of his family descent. It is also used as the crest of the Cabibbe family. The colors: the official colors, solid or in MultiCam pattern, are red to symbolize prosperity & vitality, deep blue to symbolize space, the sky, & the oceans and our commitment to law enforcement, tactical green to symbolize the land and the defense & security expertise, aerospace orange to symbolize safety, training, experimental prototypes and as a homage to research pilots and Space Shuttle astronauts, and white to symbolize the whole electromagnetic spectrum & ethical cyber hacking. The pendant: this pendant encloses all of Gian-Marco´s domains of activity - the wings for aviation & space, the serration of the wings for the cyber domain and the electromagnetic spectrum, the anchor for the maritime domain, the Shield of David for the protection of the land and as an homage to his Jewish roots, and the Taikong logo at the center to symbolize the core of his activities. The mascot: the duck is not just our mascot .. ducks are part of the family.